Hi! Im Adharsh

Motivated full-stack developer with a strong foundation in both front-end and back-end technologies. Eager to contribute to innovative projects while continuing to grow my skills

I am now actively seeking opportunities where I can apply this versatile skill set and contribute to forward-thinking web development projects. Feel free to explore my portfolio and reach out if youre interested in collaborating or learning more!



  1. B.Tech. in Computer Science at Trinity College of Engineering

    Karimnagar, Telengana

  2. Science at B.N.N College

    Bhiwandi, Maharastra


HTMLCSSReactRedux ToolkitJavaScriptTailwind CSSResponsive DesignMaterial UISCSSGitGitHubNode.jsPostreSQLSocket.ioExpressMongoDBMySQLTypeScriptRESTful API'sAWSAuthentication (JWT, OAuth,)Testing (Jest, Cypress)Deployment (Netlify, Vercel,AWS,etc)MongooseSequelizeSupabaseSEO OptimizationVite


Real-Time Chat Application(Full Stack)

Built a feature-rich real-time chat application to enable seamless communication between users with a focus on performance and responsiveness.

React.jsNode.jsExpressSocketShadcn UIframer-motionPostgreSQLTailwind CSSRedux ToolkitJWT

Talent Finder - Full-Stack Job Marketplace Platform

Developed a platform to connect companies and candidates, emphasizing seamless user experience and secure data handling.

ReactNodeTailwind CSSExpressThree.jsSocketPostgreSQLRedux ToolkitJWTSequielize ORM

E-commerce Platform with Admin Dashboard(Full Stack)

Built a comprehensive e-commerce application with features for product management, shopping cart,order management, secure payments integration and admin panel.

ReactThree.jsNodeCSSMaterial UITailwind CSSExpressContext APIJWTMongoDBMongoose ODMPayPal Payments

Landing Page-Frontend Showcase

built an elegant and responsive landing page that showcases the skills and experience of a frontend developer and animation with Framer Motion.

ReactCSSTailwind CSSFramer Motion

Marketing Budget Calculator

Effortlessly allocate your marketing budget across Instagram, Google, and YouTube with real-time insights for maximum ROI.

ReactCSSTailwind CSSContext APIFramer MotionShadcn UI

Paypal Clone-Frontend

frontend of paypal clone

ReactCSSTailwind CSSContext API

30+ Mini Projects in JavaScript

Explore my diverse web applications showcasing front-end development, API integration, and user interface design skills.

JavaScriptHTMLCSSTailwind CSS

Contact Me

You can reach out to me on LinkedIn or adharshcodes@gmail.com